Black Flags from the Islamic State ( 2016 )
In 1989 , Abdullah Azzam and Osama bin Laden were discussing on the mountains of Khorasan (Afghanistan) what they should do now that the Soviet Russians had been defeated. Abdullah Azzam wanted to make a Caliphate, but Osama wanted to make an elite fighting force of Mujahideen across the Muslim world. He would call these group of fighters; al-Qa'idatu al-Jihad (the Foundation of the global armed Struggle.)
In the eBook: Black Flags from the Islamic State ( 2016 ), we will take a look at how these men faced the worlds most powerful Intelligence agencies to establish the Islamic State. We will see what they had to go through, and the techniques they used. We will see how the Islamic State was made, and how it grew into a lethal force which the entire world is waging war against right now. We will take a look at how the Islamic State is expanding and what its future goals are.
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Mini review: this book gives an view of the global Jihad movement from the 1990 s, all the way uptill the Paris Attacks in November 2015 . It is full of events, stories, and real facts which every Muslim should be aware of in the global Islamic struggle against the New World Order.
Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia
Hitam Flags dari Negara Islam (2016)

Pada tahun 1989, Abdullah Azzam dan Osama bin Laden sedang mendiskusikan atas gunung-gunung Khorasan (Afghanistan) apa yang harus mereka lakukan sekarang bahwa Rusia Soviet telah dikalahkan. Abdullah Azzam ingin membuat kekhalifahan, tapi Osama ingin membuat kekuatan tempur elit Mujahidin di seluruh dunia Muslim. Dia akan menyebut kelompok ini pejuang; al-Qa'idatu al-Jihad (Yayasan Perjuangan bersenjata global.)
Dalam ebook: Hitam Flags dari Negara Islam (2016), kita akan melihat bagaimana orang-orang ini yang dihadapi lembaga intelijen paling kuat dunia untuk mendirikan Negara Islam. Kami akan melihat apa yang mereka harus pergi melalui, dan teknik yang mereka digunakan. Kami akan melihat bagaimana Negara Islam dibuat, dan bagaimana hal itu berkembang menjadi kekuatan mematikan yang seluruh dunia adalah berperang melawan sekarang. Kami akan lihat bagaimana negara Islam berkembang dan apa tujuan masa depan yang.
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